Kudos to scape team, Zane and The BlackBook studio for organising this event. DJ was rolling, music vibes and a community of artists just jamming together.
Live painting technically means there is a timeframe to complete your artwork.
It was a good 3-4 hours of vibing to a creative release. Not for anyone, all for love, joy and peace. I conceptualised this based off Scape’s slogan “Dream it. Live it.” This is a reflection of my perception of an ordinary self in a dreamer’s world. Like a pigeon thinking of itself being a famous big bird watched on television, sometimes we are living the dream without realising it.
I always find myself in a place of humility of gratefulness to be among talented people. All I want to do, is to hope that all which I create with these hands can be a blessing to others.
Art helps me in a complex world, I hope it can help and add value to others too. That’s why I enjoy creating murals, public art and installations, I believe that these art creation makes a difference in how we live our lives and even a passerby’s perception of a place.